Haliotis to id please (20 replies)
Shell Identification (19 replies)
looking for variable Cowries and Cones... (18 replies)
Shell collecting laws (16 replies)
Snail ID Help! (16 replies)
Small Cypraea (16 replies)
ID of shells found on east coast of UAE / Oman (15 replies)
Olives: two doubtful specimens (14 replies)
Unknown shells (14 replies)
Some Help Please! (13 replies)
vivalbes identificacion 2 (13 replies)
Who knows this seller? (13 replies)
Can anybody please help with identification? (13 replies)
3 Gastropods from Portugal (12 replies)
Cone Shells for ID (12 replies)
Shell Identification (79,554 views)
Haliotis to id please (57,439 views)
Shell collecting laws (50,124 views)
looking for variable Cowries and Cones... (47,861 views)
ID of shells found on east coast of UAE / Oman (44,028 views)
Snail ID Help! (42,805 views)
How do you organize your collection? (42,680 views)
Small Cypraea (42,592 views)
Information about Cypraea pyrum and spurca Habitat (41,024 views)
Unknown shells (40,658 views)
Can anybody please help with identification? (39,443 views)
Olives: two doubtful specimens (38,584 views)
Who knows this seller? (37,329 views)
vivalbes identificacion 2 (37,097 views)