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Hawaian shells
04-13-2010, 10:43 AM,
Hawaian shells
1. Maculotriton bracteatus
2. Hipponix pilosus
3. not sure.  May be Glycymeris diomeda.  Would have to see a clear view of the interior, especially the hinge area, to confirm
4. Melampus castaneus
5. Same as 4?
6. probably Bittium zebrum
7. not sure, maybe a beach worn specimen of #8
8. Hipponix foliaceus
9. same as 8
10. Euplica varians (bottom); The upper shell looks like Subulina octona, a terrestrial species, but I'm not sure that's what it is.  <span class="petit">--Last edited by Paul Monfils on 2010-04-13 03:04:31 --</span>

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Hawaian shells - by - 04-12-2010, 09:16 AM
Hawaian shells - by paul monfils - 04-13-2010, 10:43 AM

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