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Are these Cypraea schilderiana?
04-04-2010, 08:49 AM,
Are these Cypraea schilderiana?
Hi, I've only just discovered this wonderful site. I'm wondering if the shells I have here are Cypraea schilderiana. In particular the photo with the 3 shells together. It's my first time using photobucket... hope I've got it right.
<img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />
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<img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />
<img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />

04-04-2010, 10:41 AM,
Are these Cypraea schilderiana?
Hello and welcome! schilderiana is just a form of Cypraea tigris from Hawaii. It is much bigger than normal and a bit more callous, other than that they are the same shell. If yours are from Hawaii and over 150mm they could be forma schilderiana.
04-04-2010, 03:28 PM,
Are these Cypraea schilderiana?
$500 is about right if they are really big, Gem condition shells.
Stuff from Hawaii is getting hard to obtain these days.
04-04-2010, 06:42 PM,
Are these Cypraea schilderiana?
Thanks for the info Dave. I saw some schilderiana on a site recently for $500! Is that realistic? Appreciate your opinion.

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