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identificacion vivalbes
02-10-2010, 05:10 PM,
identificacion vivalbes
hello may indicate certain name for their identification is not where it comes from but I think that is the Indo-Pacific
<a href="" target="_blank"><!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --></a>  <span class="petit">--Last edited by xbonet on 2010-02-10 21:30:59 --</span>

02-10-2010, 07:25 PM,
identificacion vivalbes
Looks like a Dosinia sp. (Veneridae), but I can't identify it to the species level.
02-11-2010, 04:00 PM,
identificacion vivalbes
you should do to identify the species? photos of the interior or some other angle
02-12-2010, 09:12 AM,
identificacion vivalbes
This could help, but I don't think I am qualified enough to identify the species, especially without knowing the location data. I even have myself a couple of different Dosinia shells, which I still didn't manage to identify to the species level.

But perhaps someone else has more luck identifying the shell if you post a picture of the interior. And the size of the shell would be helpful too.


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