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Pythia scarabeus vs. Pythia lessoni
06-09-2009, 06:02 PM,
Pythia scarabeus vs. Pythia lessoni
Hi, this is my first message here.

Some years ago I used this site for identifying my shells. Mr. Paul Monfils helped me several times. But in these years I have changed my interests about shells. Now I'm more interesting in my area. Anyway, a friend has sent to me some terrestrial worldwide shells and now I need again your help to get their identifications.

This is my first question to you:

I have recieved 3 specimens like Scarabeus leisoni (Lamarck) Cebú, Filipinas.

I think leisoni is a wrong name. It has to be lessoni. In that case according that Scarabeus is now genus Pythia, the specimens are now Pythia lessoni.

I look for information and pics of this species, but I havent found too much on the net. I have seen pictures of Pythia scarabeus and I think that my specimens are this species.

But how I'm not familiarized with P. lessoni and P. scarabeus I need help, pics and information about that.

This is a pic of one of my specimens.

Thanks in advance.
<img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />  <span class="petit">--Last edited by Trivio on 2009-06-09 22:52:09 --</span>

06-10-2009, 06:24 PM,
Pythia scarabeus vs. Pythia lessoni
I have not seen lessoni either but the specimen you have does not look like scarabaeus to me, if anything I would say it looks more like Pythia reeveana. Scarabaeus is smoother and has a more rounded aperture, at least the specimens I have seen do.

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