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some sort of spondylus?
07-11-2008, 08:20 AM,
some sort of spondylus?

This is another shell I am trying to ID and see what part of the world it comes from
Thank you

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07-11-2008, 09:42 AM,
some sort of spondylus?
Hi Deborah, it is a Spondylus but they are notoriously difficult to identify to species level. At first glance it could be<i> Spondylus barbatus</i> from the Philippines. What size is it?
07-21-2008, 12:01 PM,
some sort of spondylus?
It looks a lot like some forms of Spondylus americanus, from Florida and the Caribbean, and I'm guessing it is pretty large?  Maybe 5 inches or more?  If so I'm pretty sure it is Spondylus americanus.

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