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Sea Shell Collection for Sale around 1930's Phillipines
11-18-2008, 03:13 PM,
Sea Shell Collection for Sale around 1930's Phillipines
We are in a situation where we have inherited a sea shell collection.  This collection was collected 'we believe' in the Phillipines during the time period of 1930'3 & 40's.  It was a collection that was collected while this couple was first married and he served in the Navy.  We have no idea the names of the species or anything like that.  They only reason we know that some are from the Phillipines is because of the "stories" we were told and through looking at other collections on this site where we can tell that some of these species are similar to those found in the Phillipines.  This collection was very dear to this couple as it was their hobby in the youth days.  They had displayed it in their home in a huge glass case for years.  We don't even know where to start with this, but we must sell it to someone who can appreciate it and care for it as we would not know where to start.  We know there are rare finds in this collection and someone may could pick it up and help keep it all perserved.  Please email us and let us know if You are interested in viewing the pics we recently took of it.  Thank You.  Their are coral, star fish, giant clams and so on in this beautiful collection from the early 30's and 40's.

11-25-2008, 02:25 PM,
Sea Shell Collection for Sale around 1930's Phillipines
Hi, You can write me to my personal e-mail : <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->. I am interesting about your shells collection.

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