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Selling ONE pernobilis and 13 Muricidae fron the deep West Indies
12-26-2007, 07:30 PM,
Selling ONE pernobilis and 13 Muricidae fron the deep West Indies
<img src="images/smiley/roi.gif" alt="" border="0" /> One great Noble Wentletrap. It is 5/8" from tip to lip. Very white and glossy. From deep water. Uncommon shell to come by. Offers in US Dollars  .
<img src="images/smiley/roi.gif" alt="" border="0" /> The Muricidae is a group of unsearched shell . They are from DEEP WATER.Caught personally from 1,200 to 1600 feet deeo at the South of Puerto Rico. in the Caribbeann. They are from 1/2" inch to 3" inches in size. Some have operculum and all are kept in alcohol in a glass jar. Maybe a tryoni,pulcher,woodringi,cailleti,aguayoi or beau in there!. I haven't search or clasified them. Local colector grade them as A grade in uncleanned conditions( surprise!). Offers for this are accepted as a group. thirdteen in total (+1). One chanse to fill your collection.

12-28-2007, 12:17 PM,
Selling ONE pernobilis and 13 Muricidae fron the deep West Indies
This is a real offer. I will sell it to the first offer. One time only. sfter that I will keep them and never to be put on sale. Only my inmediate family , if choose to, will!. I can waranty they are as stated.This is a serious offer. ALL are fron great to excelent. Search for the Noble Wentletrap or pernobilis. You will find some infoprmation but not to many. As a fact i look and didn't find any PERNOBILIS anywhere!. A $200 for thios unique shell is less than you will expect to spend if yu look for it. It is in excelent conditions!.I am in need of some money to go by this season. I am retirerd from fishing and thios is the pride of my colection.The PERNOBILIS and the MURICIDAE are ALL from deep waters. I will depart ALL for $375 dollars. This is for one pernobilis and 13 MURICIDAE that have been in a jar since the day caught!.

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