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ID Help for tiny triangular shell, florida
06-29-2013, 04:56 AM,
ID Help for tiny triangular shell, florida
I regularly recover tiny triangular shells (bivalves?) at archaeological sites on the gulf coast of Florida. No one seems to be able to ID them. Can someone help? Size is about 1 cm long and .5 cm wide. I can't seem to upload a photo, so, here is a link to the photos online.

If you need more information, please let me know. I would really like to find out what these are. It is driving me crazy. Smile

Thank you for any help you can give. Smile

07-07-2013, 12:12 PM,
Re: ID Help for tiny triangular shell, florida
Look like small "PEN" shells to me. Can't help further I'm afraid. Sad
07-12-2013, 03:40 AM,
Re: ID Help for tiny triangular shell, florida
Thanks Paul,
I did not consider a pen, because they are typically large shells. But, they are very similar in shape, possibly juveniles. Thanks for your input.

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