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Continuation of previous post: 3 remaining pics--Shells ID/Specimen quality?
08-25-2018, 12:55 PM, (This post was last modified: 09-02-2018, 09:04 AM by Shells85.)
Continuation of previous post: 3 remaining pics--Shells ID/Specimen quality?
Shells ID/Specimen quality?
Thank you for taking the time to read my query.
Because only 5 photos of my 8 photos could be attached in my previous post , this post has the remaining 3 photos.

These pictures are of a frame filled with tiny seashells.

I had trouble identifying these tiny shells--any help would be appreciated:
In the second photo, the black & white shell is in the Neritidae family.
In the third photo, the black & white cone shell is Hebrew cone shell and in the bottom row, the light green shell is a cowry--very pretty!!

I also would appreciate it to know if the framed shell of are of significant value and if any are of specimen value. Does having them glued in frames make the shells less valuable? Paul Monfils was kind enough to tell me that the shells I posted earlier were not specimen quality so they were not worth anything to collectors.
I appreciate your time in helping me.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

09-23-2018, 01:39 PM, (This post was last modified: 01-23-2019, 02:05 PM by paul monfils.)
RE: Continuation of previous post: 3 remaining pics--Shells ID/Specimen quality?
I have finally found time to take a look at the shells in these two photos. I recognize most of them. A few I am uncertain about, I marked “?”
Of the rest, I am 100% sure on 90% of them, 90% sure on the rest.
To answer your question, gluing the shells certainly does reduce their value, but these are all very common shells of little monetary value. The one of greatest value is Cymatium lignarium, which may sell for about $12.00 to $15.00 in perfect condition.

There is no easy way to connect the names to the pictures since the shells are rather randomly distributed in the pictures. You can either look up the names online, to find pictures of the species to compare to your pictures, or add numbers to the pictures, in which case I can add the corresponding numbers to the names below.

Paul Monfils

Fasciolaria sp. (juvenile) (top left corner) ?
Nassarius vibex
Nassarius venustus
Umbonium vestiarium (3)
Phasianella solida
Puperita pupa
Trivia (Pusula) pediculus
Natica pusilla
Crepidula maculosa
Aequipecten gibbus
Columbella scripta (2)
Drupella margariticola
Terebra duplicata
Melanoides torulosa
Conus sp. There are several small white cones around the Caribbean area, very similar to one another, such as jaspideus, joanae, pomponeti, masinoi, fluviamaris, etc. This is one of them, not sure which, due to the extent of erosion.

Trivia (Pusula) pediculus
Neritina (Clithon) oualaniensis (2)
Drupa ricinus (immature)
Nassarius vibex
Olivella sp. (badly worn)
Umbonium vestiarium (4)
Aporrhais pespelicani (juvenile) ?
Cymatium (Turritriton) lignarium
Cypraea moneta
Columbella (Euplica) scripta
Bulla occidentalis
Trochidae, species unknown (2) ?
white shell (bottom right) ?
09-25-2018, 11:10 AM,
RE: Continuation of previous post: 3 remaining pics--Shells ID/Specimen quality?
09-25-2018, 11:18 AM,
RE: Continuation of previous post: 3 remaining pics--Shells ID/Specimen quality?
It is beyond kind of you to take the time to identify all these shells. I plan on looking up each name and then finding it in the picture as you suggested.
I am looking forward to learning about these shells!
I am very appreciative of the time you spent to do this.
Thanks again,

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