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Need to sell my collection
06-27-2011, 03:05 AM,
Need to sell my collection
Hello shell community! I am a new poster,  but have been collecting for over 30 years. It's time for me to sell my beauties to pay the bills.
I have around 400 species, 1550 individual specimens. They are catalogued and organized in a hand-made cabinet that was converted by me from an old TV cabinet. It's very sturdy and has 10 custom built, divided drawers. It's perfect for shell storage! Also included are 13 identification books.
My main passion is cyprea. I have 90 species, some hard to find. There are also many conus, oliva, murex, strombus and a wide variety of others.

I would very much appreciate finding a good buyer for this collection. It has been assembled with love over time, but it's becoming hard to move around.

Thank you.

Shirley M. in Colorado
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