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sea snail to identify
04-28-2011, 11:21 AM,
sea snail to identify
Hello, this is a shell that I bought in a shop in Spain, ¿Anybody knows the specie?


[Image: opt1303953160x.JPG]

[Image: klz1303953179j.JPG]

[Image: klz1303953195u.JPG]

[Image: arx1303953212l.JPG]

[Image: klz1303953227r.JPG]
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04-28-2011, 12:02 PM,
Re: sea snail to identify
This is Tectus (Trochus) pyramis, a common shallow water species from the Western Pacific region.
04-28-2011, 10:09 PM,
Re: sea snail to identify
thanks for the three identifications Paul.

Kind regards.
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