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Magnificent Abalone pawa shell
02-07-2011, 10:09 PM,
Magnificent Abalone pawa shell
Item located at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 0193650517</a><!-- m -->

Abalone Haliotis Pawa Shell

A magnificent pearlized abalone, measuring 6" (150mm) with all the colours exposed on both sides of a rainbow.
Oval shaped , thick shell with quite large, round puckered openings. Colours vary from soft pink, turquoise, blue etc. Much appreciated when put against the light.
Location Indo Pacific & Australia. Much of these shells are coming from the South Australia's abalone aquaculture which is a big industry, supplyin the world food markets and Far Est Jewelery makers. A mut for the colletor and for deco purposes.

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