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Palawan Seashells
12-15-2010, 09:40 AM,
Palawan Seashells
Good day shell friends. I'm Rafael Picardal, just want to share that I'm selling my shells again full time..

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Thank you very much!

01-12-2011, 09:38 AM,
Re: Palawan Seashells
Just updated my seashells list for the month of January!

Many thanks for the support my seashells friends! =)

Happy Shelling!
04-06-2011, 04:08 AM,
Re: Palawan Seashells
Good day seashells friends,

This month is our anniversary in seashell collecting and we are now 12 years old! I'm happy to announce that we have a 50% discount on all seashells listed.. This sale will last until a month only.. Happy shelling everyone! And thank you for all your support!

Kindest regards,
Rafael and Jona
08-29-2011, 06:41 AM,
Re: Palawan Seashells
Dearest Seashells friends,

Just updated my seashells list! <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->

Acteonidae (1)
Angariidae (21)
Architectonicidae (4)
Buccinidae (17)
Bursidae (6)
Cancellariidae (12)
Cassidae (6)
Cerithidae (5)
Conidae (87)
Coralliophilidae (10)
Cypraea mappa & geographica (73)
Cypraeidae (163)
Epitoniidae (39)
Fasciolariidae (10)
Haliotidae (1)
Marginellidae (15)
Muricidae (32)
Nassariidae (12)
Naticidae (18)
Olividae (21)
Ovulidae (17)
Pyramidellidae (3)
Ranellidae (17)
Spondylidae (2)
Strombidae (1)
Terebridae (106)
Triviidae (15)
Trochidae (47)
Turbinidae (19)
Turridae (65)

Hoping you will find specimens that interest you most! =)

Happy Shelling everyone!!

Best regards,

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