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salud - xavierb - 04-09-2011

these are the same as the previous location by
[img width=255 height=480][/img]

Re: salud - paul monfils - 04-16-2011

Hey, I know that third one!  It is a subadult Cotonopsis monfilsi.

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Re: salud - paul monfils - 04-17-2011

I believe the top one is Calliostoma (Callumbonella) suturale

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Re: salud - brambio - 04-30-2011

&quot;paul monfils&quot;' Wrote:Hey, I know that third one!  It is a subadult Cotonopsis monfilsi.

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sound like your name paul...
monfilsi? Smile

Re: salud - paul monfils - 05-01-2011

Yep.  Smile

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