Cancellariidae (Australia)? - Printable Version

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Cancellariidae (Australia)? - wolfi - 06-19-2016

Hi all,

this shell comes from southern Australia (beach). Hight of shell 46,4 mm. I think it's Cancellariidae, perhaps Sydaphera undulata (G. B. SOWERBY II, 1849). Any confirmation or correction?
Thanks for your help, kind regards: wolf

RE: Cancellariidae (Australia)? - jason123 - 06-24-2016

If this is from Australia I would say that you are correct

RE: Cancellariidae (Australia)? - wolfi - 06-24-2016

Hi jason 123,
yes, they are from Australia (see my post 06-18-2016).
Thanks a lot for your opinion.
Kind regards: wolf

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