Any ideas what these snails are? - Printable Version

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Any ideas what these snails are? - - 08-21-2010


Here are 4 snails: I think the bottom right one is from Britain, but I have no ideas about the rest. Thanks for all your help!

<img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />

<img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />

Re: Any ideas what these snails are? - fortuno - 12-16-2010

they are gibbula umbelicaris of the trochidae familly

Re: Any ideas what these snails are? - Emma - 01-13-2011

Hello Fortuno,

Thank you for your identification, but I don't think they are umbilicaris because these specimens aren't from the Mediterranean, but thanks for your help! (I lost my old account with the web page change).

Re: Any ideas what these snails are? - dave r - 01-14-2011

Better photos of the individual shells would be very helpful. The middle right one is the British one, Gibbula umbilicalis.

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