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Can anybody please help with identification?
03-11-2010, 06:21 PM,
Can anybody please help with identification?
Tavera would be possible if there is a lot of product qeu biene chile boxes for sale in Spain and Portugal so it could be a sale of this part of retail product
Tavera myself I have bought in the supermarket to loose kilos

03-11-2010, 09:15 PM,
Can anybody please help with identification?
Thank you Dave and Mikede for your suggestions. It doesn't appear to be Mercenaria, because it is much wider. But, Mikede, on your indication of veneridae family, I have done some searching on the interney, and come up with Tawera Gayi, also from Veneridae family, from Chile to S. Argentina. I think that the shape suggests this species.
03-12-2010, 10:43 AM,
Can anybody please help with identification?
Thank you Mikede for your confirmation, like Xbonet says, I bought them in a local supermarket in Spain, so this is where the confussion of origin might come from. On the box it said Atlántico, Portugal, but this may have just refered to the packager. Thank you so much for all your help, I have been trying to classify this bivalve for a few years now (ever since I bought the box at the supermarket).
Do you know, I lived in England for 11 years, in Cornwall, so right next to the beach, and never found a mercenaria? They look a bit like the gallina from Spain, only perhaps a bit bigger.
Have a nice weekend!

Gracias, Xbonet, efectivamente los compré en el Carrefour en una caja de 1 kG (?). Hace cosa de 5 años que intento averigüar cómo se llaman, y en el otro foro (aunque tal vez fuera por culpa de la foto), nadie pudo ofrecerme ninguna solución. Gracias por la confirmación! Buen fin de semana!

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