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Hoping to get some help with ID of shells
04-14-2008, 10:54 AM,
Hoping to get some help with ID of shells
Hello There.  Wow am I glad to find this site! I have been collecting shells for about 6 years now, and a year ago I bought a big box of shells mostly small ones at a local auction. They looked like they were part of a collection that was just dumped into this big box to get rid of it. But there are lots of very interesting shells. I have been trying to identify them with the few books at my disposal, and I think i have quite a few of them identified, but there are still a lot that I just can't find anything similar and in some cases I don't even know what family they are in.  So hopefully it is ok for a newbie to post some shells here and see if anyone can help me out with ID and maybe where they might have come from if possible.

I took pictures of 9 groups of shells.  I hope this is not too many all at once.  Here are the first ones:

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04-14-2008, 11:19 AM,
Hoping to get some help with ID of shells
Hi Anna, welcome to the website. Nice pictures!


1 - Mitra (Strigatella) vexillum (Western Pacific)
2,3 - Lataxiena fimbriata (Indo-Pacific)
Upper Right Corner – Fasciolaria lignaria (Mediterranean)

1 - Latirus lanceolatus (S.W. Pacific)
2 - Vexillum acupictum (Indo-Pacific)
3 – probably Crassispira turricula (West Central America)
Lower Right Corner – Granulifusus dondani (Philippines)
Tall shell, 2nd from Right – Fusiturris similis (Mediterranean)


1 – probably Favartia incisa (West Central America)
2 – Peristernia incarnata (Western Pacific)
3 – Mitra (Strigatella) acuminata (Indo-Pacific)
4 – Aspella sp., probably Aspella obeliscus (West Central America)

1 – Gyrineum pusillum (Indo-Pacific)
Three specimens at right appear to be Morula nodulosa (Caribbean)
Larger shell just to the left of these three is probably the same species.
04-15-2008, 08:46 AM,
Hoping to get some help with ID of shells
WOW! Thank you so much! This is fantastic. Shells that have puzzled me for a year, all identified overnight!  I have some others that I would like to submit too.  This site is a real great resource for collectors.  Can't thank you enough.
04-27-2008, 08:49 PM,
Hoping to get some help with ID of shells
Yes Nice pictures Anna , but incredible shells, you are a lucky one. tell me where you from maybe we can exchange  write me <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> I`m from mexico

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