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Identification help needed for the following interesting sea shells
09-03-2006, 03:31 PM,
Identification help needed for the following interesting sea shells
Dear Collector,

Thank you for your congratulations. I think Paul should pass by the forum and will certainly help you with these shells. I personnally focused on few families and will not be helpful.
The only I can Id. is PICT0004.JPG which seems to be a <i>Conus litteratus</i> LINNAEUS, 1758 or <i>Conus eburneus</i>. Hwass, 1792. Can you give me its size (legnh) ? I think It it is closer to <i>Conus litteratus</i> though.

Thanks using this forum,

Happy Shelling,
David  <span class="petit">--Last edited by David Touitou  on 2006-09-03 19:36:15 --</span>

09-03-2006, 08:48 PM,
Identification help needed for the following interesting sea shells
Hello guys! Wow this website is maybe the first of its kind I've ever seen online. Keep up the good work man!

Oh well, I am always interested in sea shells collecting but I've got zero knowledge on such. I've got a couple of them sitting around at home and would gladly appreciate identifications/appraisals on them. Thanks alot! Please see the pictures below.

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09-04-2006, 01:26 PM,
Identification help needed for the following interesting sea shells
0001  Tonna olearium - Brown Tun Shell
0002  Cassis cornuta - Horned Helmet
0003  Turritella duplicata - Duplicate Turritella
0004  Conus litteratus - Lettered Cone
0005  Mitra mitra - Episcopal Miter
0007  Nautilus pompilius - Chambered Nautilus
0008  Pleuroploca trapezium - Trapezium Horse Conch

The Turritella is most likely from the Indian Ocean. The rest are wide ranging through the tropical Indo-Pacific region, but are most likely from the Southwest Pacific area. They are all common shallow water species, except the Nautilus, which is common but comes from relatively deep water.
09-04-2006, 02:41 PM,
Identification help needed for the following interesting sea shells
Gee I'm impressed! Both of you guys must have encyclopedic memories to come up with these infos, becos there's literally millions of such shells out there!

Thanks alot!

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