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Who knows this seller?
05-15-2009, 02:36 PM,
Who knows this seller?
I checked my PayPal account and found that the dealer had got back to me via PayPal (denying I had sent any emails to them) but PayPal had not informed me so the time ran out and the case was closed. I am a little annoyed about this as I thought PayPal would have contacted me when they heard from the dealer. I will be speaking to PayPal about this.
Yes, I do agree it is the best way to send money, especially internationally as you don't have to go through all the hassles of currency changing etc. and it is a LOT cheaper that W.U.

05-16-2009, 01:35 PM,
Who knows this seller?
Like you mentioned, Dave, it's unfortunately that PayPal would not contact you when the seller post a reply on the dispute. They only send email to the seller asking for respond to the dispute.

After filing a dispute, it's your responsible to follow up the case by checking on the message board under Resolution Center in PayPal site. And you have only 20 days for resolving the problem with seller through this message board.

If you and the seller cannot come to any resolution, you have to <b>escalate the dispute to a claim</b>, that means you don't want to negotiate with seller anymore and ask PayPal to judge the case. You have to escalate to a claim within 20 days of dispute filed, otherwise the dispute will be closed automatically.

I know that it is not easy to get money back without the seller's consent, but at least you can use this measure to fight with the bad seller, and in many cases were final with favor of buyers.

To be more secure when you pay with PayPal, you should check the seller's account status before confirming the payment. When you are processing the payment, at the review payment page, you can click on the recipient's email address and then you will see all information about the seller. You should avoid sending money to an unverified or new opened account.

For me, Paypal is <b>not perfect</b> but I think it is the best solution for me at the moment.  Wink
07-17-2009, 11:00 AM,
Who knows this seller?
Yup thats right.
so Dave you will always will get your money back if you always follow up for the dispute until it's finish <img src="images/smiley/smile.gif" alt="" border="0" /> and don't forge to excalate when you feel like you won in the debate with the seller.

I already done it for more that 3 times and always win (for buying watches, because I was a watch lover)

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