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Looking for a nice-sized Strombus galeatus
05-23-2007, 12:41 PM,
Looking for a nice-sized Strombus galeatus
Greetings to all. This is my first post on this site.

I have been an avid shell collector for about 33 years. I recently dug my collection out of storage after 6 years, and noticed that many of my larger shells had damage to them, probably as a result of getting knocked about abit.

Sadly, one of the major victims was a <i>Strombus galeatus</i> (Swainson 1823); mine was about 215mm. I am seeking a replacement.

If you have a specimen for sale or trade, or know of any party that does, I would be most grateful. I have PayPal.

- Shadekur
 Austin, Texas

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