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Big snail
09-14-2011, 05:33 AM,
Big snail
Hello, this is a purchased snail. ¿Does anybody knows the specie?


[Image: jdv1315941330x.JPG]

[Image: bfi1315941372a.JPG]

[Image: viu1315941411h.JPG]

[Image: bfi1315941429s.JPG]
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09-14-2011, 08:25 AM,
Re: Big snail
It is Achatina fulica, a land snail.  It is originally from eastern Africa, but has been accidentally introduced into many other tropical and semi-tropical locations around the world, including Japan, Southeast Asia, Australia, the Pacific Islands, Caribbean islands, etc.
09-16-2011, 04:41 AM,
Re: Big snail
Thanks Paul. Now I know that it´s an invasive specie in the south of my country.
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