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Mexican snail
07-03-2011, 05:48 AM,
Mexican snail

This is a shell from México, anybody kows the specie?


[Image: arx1309635484f.JPG]

[Image: opt1309635509z.JPG]

[Image: bfi1309635528l.JPG]
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07-03-2011, 08:34 AM,
Re: Mexican snail
If you found this in Mexico, someone dropped it there.  This is Turbo chrysostomus, the "gold-mouth turban", from the Western Pacific.  This is one of the commonest imported species sold for shell craft, and in "tourist baskets" in gift shops, etc.  Perhaps there were such shops in the vicinity of the beach where you found this?
07-04-2011, 09:29 PM,
Re: Mexican snail
in the Philippines turbo chrysostomus is a common food for local fisherman. Perhaps it is also exported in Mexico or in other country to serve as an exotic food.
07-05-2011, 08:08 AM,
Re: Mexican snail
thanks for the determination, the shell was near a market and restaurants, so there might have arrived.
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