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ID help
07-12-2015, 09:54 PM,
ID help

Can you help me, please?
They are from east coast of USA. I don’t know the corect sizes but the pictures are in one size.

I have no idea.

[Image: c4d31045-4e22-4948-9689-c2d95f02ca5f_zpsbivu6aeu.jpg]

Nerita tessalata ?

[Image: 13748364-4c84-421f-8fac-7f0b116f0848_zpss70qk8di.jpg]

Cerithium atratum?

[Image: 56c98881-ee4d-4b38-92cf-36601a1c5bb3_zpsbzjheggp.jpg]



07-12-2015, 11:39 PM,
RE: ID help
Hi Mark,
interesting pictures, thanks. It's always better to have some different views, if possible. For example, it would have been helpful to see the aperture of the Cerithium spec..
#1: I'm not sure whether it's a marine species. It reminds me of some juvenile (!) Cerion species (terrestrial). Some species of this genus live in the southern parts of US. "Eastern coast of US" includes three different zoogeographical zones. Is it possible to narrow the origin down?
Yes, I think it's Nerita tessellata (probably). A view of the aperture would have been helpful to judge the teeth.
Sorry, I'm not fit concerning the Cerithium species of America. Cerithium litteratum might also be possible.
Have a good time, kind regards: wolf

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