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Identification Help Please
04-21-2014, 02:53 AM,
Identification Help Please

My niece and I found these shells on the beach in SE Florida.  My family has been shelling in the area for 50 years and we have never before found anything quite like them.  I tried to find them in my Audubon guide, but wasn't satisfied with any of my options.  Can anyone tell me what these are?

Thank you,

[attachment=140][attachment=141] The texture is particularly remarkable

04-21-2014, 02:49 PM,
RE: Identification Help Please
The first one appears to be a juvenile specimen of  Turbo castanea, the Chestnut Turban.  The larger shell is a young specimen of Cymatium femorale, the angular triton.  SE Florida is the northernmost edge of its range.  It is quite uncommon there, though more common farther south, throughout the whole Caribbean area.
04-21-2014, 11:51 PM,
RE: Identification Help Please
Thank you.  We appreciate the help.

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