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international transport of shells and possible sale of collection
04-28-2013, 03:23 AM,
international transport of shells and possible sale of collection

My grandmother (born 1900) collected seashells around the world and I am left with the responsibility of disposing of them. There are 10 boxes including some, apparently, rare shells. I am considering keeping some and taking them to a beach property that I have purchased in Kenya. As an elephant conservationist I am well aware of CITES and I do not want to contravene the law, but I have very little knowledge of Mollusca taxonomy. I checked out the link you provided which is just to a CITES list of all species. Do you have a list of those Mollusks listed on Appendix I or those for which I would require an export/import certificate?

Since I have found your website - are there people who might be interested in this collection?

Thank you,


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international transport of shells and possible sale of collection - by jpoole - 04-28-2013, 03:23 AM

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