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URGENT! I have an inventory of RARE Shells,I want to sell them online.
12-07-2006, 06:40 PM,
URGENT! I have an inventory of RARE Shells,I want to sell them online.
i'm lordkelly (my eBay username), i'm from Cebu City, PHILIPPINES. I was once selling seashells w/ some business partners year 2003-2004. I was hoping that maybe that i could find a Buyer that might be interested in purchasing my "rare" shells which are mostly rare ones and i have been keeping for 3 yrs now - "saving it for the rainy days" as what i call it. I myself love the seashell business but I don't have a credit card that i can use to be a seller in EBAY. And i don't have time also because i'm working as a call center agent here in cebu city. OK, here's the goodies: Conus hirasei (GEM) / Conus excelsus (F++) / Conus nobilis (F+++) / Conus gloriamaris (F+++) 2pcs / Cypraea valentia (BIG SIZE!/GEM) As soon i can get a reply fr any interested Buyer out there, i wud give all the seashell names in my inventory. I still have to measure their sizes. U can txt me at cel# +639279359499 Yahoo Mess/email add : <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->  The Reason Why I have to SELL them: I'm financially unstable right now & I have 2 kids to support. My prices are totally negotiable!

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