Identification of shells found in Caloosahatchee River
02-20-2010, 04:08 PM,
Identification of shells found in Caloosahatchee River
I found some shells last week at Caloosahatchee Regional Park. The first one was on the bank near the river, the rest were in the river at the edge. I would appreciate any info on what these are. Thanks. Pictures at:
<a href="" target="_blank"><!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --></a> |
02-22-2010, 06:22 PM,
Identification of shells found in Caloosahatchee River
Sure would be nice to know where Caloosahatchee Regional Park is located without having to search the net. Â It's in Lee County, SW Florida.
#1 is a Pomacea, probably canaliculata (Lamarck, 1822) #2 is a Planorbella, probably duryi (Weatherby, 1879) #3 is most probably Tarebia granifera (Lamarck, 1822) #4&6 are the same and appear to be Cerithidae scalariformis (Say,1825) #5 is Melanoides tuberculata (Müller, 1774) All are probably treated at <a href="" target="_blank"><!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --></a> marlo |
02-24-2010, 11:31 AM,
Identification of shells found in Caloosahatchee River
Marlo, if it's such a big issue for you, why is it you feel the need to reply....jeeze
02-24-2010, 12:01 PM,
Identification of shells found in Caloosahatchee River
I greatly appreciate the id help. Indeed, I should have said, meant to say, something like "found in Southern Florida, Fort Myers area, in the Caloosahatchee river several miles upstream from the Gulf." An uncharacteristic lapse, I have been seeking id help on the net for years (mostly for flowers) and know the proper protocol. I felt that Marlo's comment was a mild reprimand, well-deserved, and will insure that in the future I include the basic location info (and more organized, better-sized photos). I am not a sheller myself, my dad has been combing Captiva Island (off the gulf coast of Florida) for years and can identify most of the shells he finds but he was not sure about the Pomacea and Planorbella. On an unrelated note, to see my other photos of my Florida trip, see: <a href="" target="_blank"><!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --></a>
Thanks again for the help and the pointer to the jaxshells site! |
02-25-2010, 05:26 PM,
Identification of shells found in Caloosahatchee River
Glad to help.  Thoroughly enjoyed your photo album.  As long as I've been in Florida, I never tire of the wildlife and such wonderful photos of it. Zip, It's a message oft repeated here.  Locality and shell size data help greatly in making ID's.  The point was broadly targeted and I appreciate d's understanding and grace.  Repeat readers in particular, who may want ID assistance, need to understand this so they can facilite the assistance sought by providing information to assist those willing to help.  It's a courtesy.  Those seeking help should want to facilitate those who volunteer.  If we don't communicate what would be helpful, how will it be known? marlo merritt island, fl     |
02-26-2010, 08:51 PM,
Identification of shells found in Caloosahatchee River
I do agree with marlo, accurate locality data are mandatory. In the same way, I would add that Florida is in USA.
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