Mystery Shell Found on Sanibel Island, FL - Printable Version

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Mystery Shell Found on Sanibel Island, FL - kiki - 05-13-2009

After being an avid collector of Sanibel Island treasuers for 17 years, I have found a shell that I can not identify.  I found it in January 2009 after a week of strong Northwest winds.  Can anyone offer a suggestion as to what kind of shell this is?  

I've added a picture, but you should the shell ius rather light weight and ribbed in the body.

<img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />
<img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />

Mystery Shell Found on Sanibel Island, FL - paul monfils - 05-13-2009

It's a juvenile Strombus, but I'm not certain which species.  Perhaps Strombus costatus??

Mystery Shell Found on Sanibel Island, FL - kiki - 05-14-2009

Thank you!!!! <img src="images/icones/icon10.gif" alt="images/icones/icon10.gif" style="border:0" />

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