Help to identify - total newbie - Printable Version

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Help to identify - total newbie - birdy59 - 04-11-2009

Hi, I have three shells that belonged to my parents and I was wondering what they are? So if anyonw can identify it would be much appreciated.

<img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />

<img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />


Help to identify - total newbie - dave r - 04-11-2009

Hi there Michael. Looks like your parents visited the Caribbean as all 3 shells are from there. Top left is the Atlantic Triton Trumpet shell, <i>Charonia tritonis variegata</i>; top right is the King Helmet shell, <i>Cassis tuberosa</i>; and the bottom shell is a Milk Conch, <i>Strombus costatus</i>, this last has had the spire taken off. This is sometimes done to insert a mouthpiece to use the shell as a 'trumpet', a lot of caribbean islanders used to do this for calling to each other at sea and to tell villagers of the arrival of the fishing boats or similar. It is unusual to see a Milk Conch used for this as it is usually a Queen or Pink Conch, <i>Strombus gigas</i>, that is used.
I hope this is of help,

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