Five mystery venuses. Venii? - Printable Version

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Five mystery venuses. Venii? - wil9000 - 07-30-2010

<a href="" target="_blank"><!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --></a>

Thank you for all your help so far. Here's five what i think are venus shells. I've had some luck with the internet and books figuring out some, but these leave me confused.
Thanks again,

Five mystery venuses. Venii? - dave r - 07-31-2010

Top left looks like Mercenaria mercenaria, middle looks like Codakia tigerina, bottom right looks to be Venus casina. Can't help with the others I am afraid.

Five mystery venuses. Venii? - mikede - 07-31-2010

Bottom left looks like Spisula solida. Bottom right looks like Venus verrucosa for me.

You should post a picture showing the inner sides of the valves.


Five mystery venuses. Venii? - paul monfils - 07-31-2010

Bottom left looks like Bassina yatei and upper right looks like Chione stutchburyi, but I can't be sure without a closer look and preferably a look at the interiors.  Does the upper right shell have purple on the interior?

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