Full Version: Bivalves from Australia
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I need help to identify the bivalves below.
They are all from South-western Australia (i.e. temperate waters).
Sizes range between 11 and 29 mm. I have no clue of the family of little #2.

Ta again.

<img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />
1. I believe this is Fulvia scalata
2. Myllita deshayesi
3. Looks like Mactra australis
4. ?
5. Looks like a Donax. May be Donax cuneatus.  <span class="petit">--Last edited by Paul Monfils on 2009-11-21 05:45:56 --</span>
Thanks Paul, thanks Mike,
After some googling about the Fulvia it seems that F. scalata does not occurs in southern Australia. Can it be a juvenile of an other Fulvia specie ?
I got some M. australis and they dont look like #3. That one looks rather like a Mesodesmatidae or why not a Donacidae (but D. faba is a tropical specie).
Can #4 be a juvenile Pitar or Periglypta ?

Anyway thanks a lot for your investigations.
#4 could be a juvenile Tapes turgida. I have Allen's 'Australian shells' and it is the only thing I can find that is similar from that locality.
Likewise #5 could be a juvenile Plebidonax deltoides, again I can find nothing else similar from there.
#3 does resemble Atactodea striata but I don't believe that is found in S. Australia.
3. Have to disagree with Paul on the Mactra australis. The shell seems to lack the V-shaped hinge teeth specific to Mactridae. This shell could be a Donacidae (Donax faba?).
4. Some kind of Veneridae, may be a Tapes or Pitar species.

#1 seems to be Fulvia tenuicostata (Lamarck, 1819). Look at that gallery <a href="" target="_blank"><!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... nuicostata</a><!-- m --></a>