Full Version: Can anyone help me identify these seashells?
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Hey everyone, can some of you guys help me to identify these seashells? I'm new to this all seashell thing and getting really confused. Please help. Here are the pics:
1. <img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />
2. <img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />
3. <img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />
4. <img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />
5. <img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />
6. <img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />
7. <img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />
8. <img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />
9. <img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />

Thanks! <img src="images/smiley/rolleyes.gif" alt="" border="0" />
1 -  This is one of the many Calliostoma "top shells" in the family Trochidae.  The angle at which you photographed it is not the best for positive ID.  If you have any kind of shell identification book, notice the angle of view at which the shells are illustrated, and let that be your guide in photographing your shells. You can position the shell on a bit of putty or modeling clay to get the ideal orientation.  Also, it is very helpful to mention the size of the pictured shell.  If this shell measures a half inch, there are quite a few possibilities for ID.  If it measures 2 inches there are far fewer possibilities.  And the last bit of information that should always be supplied, if available (I realize it often is not available) is the general geographic locality where the shell was collected.

2 and 8 - This is a whelk in the genus Babylonia.  These have traditionally been classified in the family Buccinidae, but lately some authors have preferred a separate family, Babyloniidae.  These look like they may be Babylonia lani, most likely from the Philippines.

3.  This is one of many similar species in the genus Anadara, in the family Arcidae, commonly called "ark shells".  Species similar to this one are found in many parts of the world, so ID to species level would require locality information.

4.  This is a "cerith", a member of the family Cerithiidae.  There are many species.  This one looks like Clypeomorus pellucida, from the western Pacific.

5.  This is a "moon snail", in the family Naticidae.  Natica (or Tanea) lineata, lined moon snail, from the western Pacific.

6.  This looks like a Cardita, in the family Carditidae.  It looks like the common Cardita floridana, from Florida and surrounding area.  Did you collect it there?

7.  This also looks like a common species from the eastern United States, Mya arenaria, the softshell clam, in the family Myidae.

9.  This is Phos senticosus, a common member of the family Buccinidae from the western Pacific.  <span class="petit">--Last edited by Paul Monfils on 2009-11-21 19:18:53 --</span>
#6 could also be Grafarium pectinatum (indopacific aswell). As Paul wrote, locality data would be very helpful.
Nr. 6 looks for me like a Gafrarium species, probably Gafrarium tumidum (Röding, 1798). This is a common species from the Indopacific from the family Veneridae
