Full Version: Nacellidae from Seychelles
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I have several unidentified shells from Seychells.
For example, these are two different nacellidae(?):

Specimen #1:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" style="border:0" /></a>

Specimen #2:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" style="border:0" /></a>

Thank you,
<img src="images/smiley/smile.gif" alt="" border="0" />  <img src="images/smiley/smile.gif" alt="" border="0" />  <span class="petit">--Last edited by ale.v on 2008-07-05 19:55:26 --</span>
Hi there. Specimen 1 is a Siphonaria sp, an air breathing mollusc that looks very like a limpet but belongs to a totally different family. The other 2 look like possibly Cellana radiata but a topside view would help.
Dear Dave,

thank you for your answer. I can show the topside view for both the specimens.

Specimen #1:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" style="border:0" /></a>

Specimen #2:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" style="border:0" /></a>

Looking for the siphonaria, I have found two possible choice:
S. concinna and S. laciniosa, but I don't know if these shells are present in the Seychelles.

Thank you again,
Yes, they are almost certainly <i>Cellana radiata</i>(Born 1778). This species occurs from East Africa to the Pacific. Sorry but I can't help with the Siphonaria, not my forte I'm afraid.
Hi Ale,
I also have found a few Siphonariidae in Seychelles but I identified them all as <i>Siphonaria ferruginea</i> (Reeve 1856).
The biggest of them was 23mm. I can also have that id wrong...
I cannot find any useful information or image about Siphonaria ferruginea, so I can't compare it.
By the way, all my Siphonaria are also smaller than 25mm, as yours.

Hope someone else could help us...