Full Version: Shell ID help?!
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Hello!  This is my first post here, but hopefully you'll be able to help me!

I'm an archaeologist and I am trying to find out what kind of shell this (below) is.  Although it was found in Sheffield, England, it is likely to have come from far away and be imported for button making (the cut outs are from button making) probably in the 19th century.

It would be really interesting and useful if anyone has an idea (even just a common, general name) for shells like this.

Many thanks,


<img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />
Shot with <a href="" target="_blank">Canon PowerShot A640</a> at 2008-03-07
Hi Linzi,

It would have been difficult to make a guess based only on the small piece of the shell that remains. However the button making information is a good clue. Buttons were made from shells that have a pearly interior. Many were made from pearl oysters, but one large gastropod species was also widely used in that industry, the Great Green Turban, Turbo marmoratus. This species has a pearly interior and is large enough and thick enough to provide a good amount of material for buttons. So I'm guessing that this shell fragment may be the remains of a shell of that species.  <span class="petit">--Last edited by Paul Monfils on 2008-03-07 15:10:57 --</span>
Thank you Paul!  That's very helpful! <img src="images/smiley/smile.gif" alt="" border="0" />