Full Version: Is this worth anything?
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I am working with a group organizing a rummage sale as a fundraiser and someone donated a collection of shells.  On the front of the box it says "Shell Collection" and "30 Kinds" on the side.  Inside the box there are 30 shells glued to a piece of cardboard.  All the sehlls are labled and appear to be whole except for one with a corner missing.  There is also a flyer inside with pictures of many types of shells and their names from the Jolly Roger Resort Motel and The Letizias Continental Cuisine in Sanibel, FL.  I see no dates anywhere.  Any ideas?

I have a picture of the entire collection (the shells are very small in the image) but I don't know how to post it to the forum.  Thanks so much for your help!!
These sort of things are very commonly sold in souvenir shops the world over. They inevitably use extremely common shells and are, I am sorry to say, worth very little.