Full Version: Golden Cowries
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<img src="images/icones/icon9.gif" alt="images/icones/icon9.gif" style="border:0" /> This is amazing to have access to shells and information on shells on the click of a button! I am looking for Golden Cowries. If you have some available, can you please let me know. Thank you!  <span class="petit">--Last edited by CowrieSA on 2010-04-21 15:06:58 --</span>


I can offer several Cypraea aurantium (all at least f++ to f+++/gem). What can you offer in exchange?
Bart, I do have a variety of Cowries, mostly from Mozambique to offer. I am not a professional collector, but I am passionate about Cowries. Do you have pictures of the ones that you have on offer?  <img src="images/smiley/confused.gif" alt="" border="0" />