My be this is PSAMMOBIIDAE: Gari tellinella, but I'm not sure,
Because the color & texture are different, My tellinella is very smooth & shiny with 110mm size,
please check this LINK
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... al%2Ba.jpg</a><!-- m -->
or my pict
I would say they were some kind of pearl oyster or freshwater mussel that has been polished to show the pearly shell under the outer layer. Gari or Tellina do not have a pearly shell.
Hello Dave...
thanks for your analyze ....
But, can you tell me more specific about id species my shell ??Â

One Question more...
For Collector, is it good to polish our shells??
I think it is a Limidae specie ( Acesta rathbuni Bartsch,1913 ). this big limidae is use as a good decorations on some cabinet divider, i've seen this kind on one of my friends house. it was piled and polished to enhance the beauty of a shell.
These appear to be polished Pinctada maxima. These are commonly sold in tourist shops, gift shops, etc. A view of the inner side, especially hinge area, would be more useful for identification.Â
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Hendro, NO, it is not good to polish shells for collectors at all. They will not buy them. Polish shells for decoration only.
If polished not manipulated and changing the color and shape of shells, why polished not preferred by the collector? maybe any substantial argument?
maybe any suggestion for my other collection
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Back in the 18th century all shells were polished to make them look prettier but nowadays serious collectors want shells to look as natural as possible.
Ok. Dave, thanks alotÂ