Full Version: Help identifying seashell
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I found this shell at New Smyrna Beach, FL and have not seen before nor can I find anything on line that looks just like it.  It's about 5 inches long and 2 1/2 inches at the widest part.  The color is a blue-gray.  Any ideas?
The shell is not in the best condition, but I suspect it is Murex fulvescens (one of the bigger Murex-species in Florida).
I believe there are 2 attached pics, another post referred to seeing the pics.  I'm new so, please be patient.  If you do not see the images I will try again or I can email them directly to an address if you prefer.  Thx
Your shell is indeed Hexaplex fulvescens (G. B. Sowerby II, 1834).  It is a well worn, long dead shell that has been tumbled around for a long time before ending up on the beach.

Thanks for the help!!!!