02-16-2011, 08:11 AM
I am looking for a way to network with folks to sell or donate to a charity my great-grandfather's shell collection. He collected between 1890 and 1938. I am told by others who have seen the pictures that most of what we have is marine. There are a hundred or better shells in four file boxes; all shapes and sizes; most in good condition. There are also several old paper back publications about shells. I can email you a 7MB document with pictures if you think it will get through your spam filter or size restrictions. The picture document contains most of what we have but may not be 100% of it and it is possible some items pictured got delivered to a charity that we donated all of the fossils and gems to. We also donated ~10,000 Indian artifacts to Wichita State University! There are some notes with some of the pieces and there is also at least some of our great-grandfather's correspondence but not much. We are open to selling them or donating to a charity who would provide an IRS qualified appraisal. Joe Robb 316-283-4560 <!-- e --><a href="mailto:joerobb@robblaw.com">joerobb@robblaw.com</a><!-- e --> Newton, Kansas, USA