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I have just found a multi chamber nautilus on the beach (yay).  I'm assuming a bleach solution is safe for cleaning this sort of shell.  If its not a stupid question, does anyone have any tips for draining/drying the chambers without doing damage to the shell?  Cheers.
it usually isn't a good idea to use bleach on shells with a pearly interior, or at least, keep the bleach treatment to a minimum.  However, it really isn't necessary to use bleach on a Nautilus. The animal lives in the last, largest chamber, which you can easily reach into with your hand and just wipe it out with a sponge.  The other chambers just contain gas, which is why the shells wash ashore - they float!  Also,
Thanks Paul.  I understand about the bouyancy and the chambers.  Unfortunately the first chamber on mine was filled with rank seawater, perhaps from long exposure to wave action.  The second chamber seems dry.  In the absence of other information, I bit the bullet and drilled a small hole next to the valve to allow some equalization and permit water to drain out.  Having done this I inadvertently discovered it helps to leave the shell in the sun.  The heat build up inside the chamber seems to have helped push moisture/vapour out of the hole I drilled.
I'm afraid I also bit the bullet and ended up using a mild bleach solution (1/4 strength) which has helped remove most of the (what I take to be) periostracum (black stuff).  The pearly part still seems pearly but I hope I haven't degraded it.  Is it possible to polish the shell up?  If so, what would you recommend?