Full Version: Need help identifying the attached shells
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Pic. #1 is a mushroom coral, in the genus Fungia.  There are many species, and they look quite different when alive, but all pretty much the same when cleaned and dried like this one, so I can't name the exact species.

#2 Can't be sure from this picture.  Looks like it could be a broken sea urchin.  A picture of the other side would help.

#3 is the Silver Conch, scientific name Strombus lentiginosus, or Lentigo lentiginosus.

#4 is a Common Spider Conch, Lambis lambis

#5 The smaller shell is the Brown Murex, Murex brunneus or Chicoreus brunneus
     The larger shell is also a murex, but there are a couple of possibilities.  The image is overexposed by the flash, which obscures some of the details.  If you can provide a better
     picture, preferably of the top view and bottom view, I'm sure I can ID it for you.

All the ones I named are from the tropical Indo-Pacific area.