Full Version: Conus from Australia
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Hello friends!
I have not been able to identify this cone.
Loadstone Reef, Qld, Australia
1-2m under dead coral rock
1. Conus suturatus
2. Conus sydneyensis or something else?

[Image: 40a5c5fd6774.jpg]

Thank you
Could it be inscripta?

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This is often shown as a form of Conus suturatus, though I don't understand why, as it is distinctly different from typical C. suturatus in several ways.  This shell can be seen in Manual of the Living Conidae, Plate 12, figure 5 and 6; and also in Australian Marine Shells, Volume 2, Plate 47, figure 3A.
Thank you Paul!
I bought it as Conus suturatus, but there were serious doubts as to its identification,
A typical Conus suturatus still very different from this Conus.
Maybe in the future it will be a new form Conus suturatus Smile
This is one of the forms of Conus suturatus. You can see pictures of similar shells from my collection on my website.

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