Full Version: Cypraea sp. help
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Hi all,

Been trying to identify this (dead museum) specimen for the last hour or so with no success.

Any ideas? I thought some variety of C.onyx, but I can't see any with this blue uniform spot (rather than two bands). Location is around the Phillipines (best I can give for collection sorry) and size is approx 70mm.

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<img src="" alt="" style="border:0" />  <span class="petit">--Last edited by GRB on 2010-05-06 14:15:41 --</span>
Cypraea mauritiana, apparently artificially polished
Yes, top has been dipped in acid, you find the same thing with the so-called purple top tiger cowrie which is often advertised in gift shops.
Thanks very much for the ID, I was really confused by this specimen.